Thursday, 1 August 2013

MCI3 Collection

Heyaaa guys! been awhile...
This is some of the clothings I've been wearing and missed during this season...
Most of them are provided by sponsors, hope it can b an inspiration somehow.
Cheers!! ;)


  1. Wawwww !!!! <3<3
    Kali ini jumbo ya chef fotonya , jumbo cantiknya , jumbo unyunya , dan jumbo narsisnya ><
    Kenapa dirimu cantik nya cetar membahana sih chef :* ({}) ....
    You stole my heart Chef Rinrin Marinka :* :D

  2. aku paling suka dress yang kecoklatan itu..
    cocok banget dipakai sama chef marinka yang cantik :)
